The reasons I have decided to start my own recipe book is because I want to explore my own personal connection to food, experiment with new recipes, play around with my creativity, and enjoy sharing these new creations with friends and family.
I feel it is necessary to come up with some questions that I can use to focus myself in following through with this inquiry project. Here are some of those guiding questions:
- Why do I wan to create a recipe book? (e.g., personal keepsake, family traditions, sharing with friends, do I want to publish this in the future?)
- What kind of recipe will I include? Family recipes, sourced recipes or personal creations?
- Will I focus mainly on cooking or will I include baking recipes too?
- How am I going to organize the recipes? By meal, category, difficulty?
- How many recipes do I want to include?
- Are there any recipes or ingredients that intimidate me?
- How will I choose what gets to be put into the recipe book vs. not?
- What skills do I hope to develop through this process?
- Will I include photos of my creations?
- How will I measure success?
Although I don’t yet have all the answers to these questions (and maybe I won’t until the end!), I have definitely gotten the wheels in my head turning and I am now very excited to begin!
“I hate to notion of a secret recipe. Recipes are by nature derivative and meant to be shared – that is how they improve, are changed, how new ideas are formed. To stop a recipe in it’s tracks, to label it secret just seems mean.”
Molly Wizenberg