On this Zoom class I really enjoyed our discussions around different forms of audio/visual curation.

We started the class with you showing us how to use AI for generated visuals. Here is my attempt!

I asked ChatGPT to create me a visual of an animal theme park in the snow where the animals are licking lollipops.

(Image generated from AI chatgpt.com)

As silly as the image is above, I think the ability to curate something like this would be so exciting for students! For students who struggle to express their ideas in an artistic way are provided with an alternative medium, where their creativity can come from the words they choose. The way that you can see your made up vision come to life through an image is so special. Students can play around with asking the programs to edit colour, facial expressions, the placement of the items. As someone who is not the best at drawing, I would have loved to of had the ability to play around with something like this. I always had a great vision for what I wanted but my execution typically fell short. This led to frustration on my part and a thought that I just wasn’t creative. In a way, AI programs like this lend itself nicely to UDL.

I could absolutely see myself bringing something like this into my future classroom. Teaching students how to properly use tools like these can expand their possibilities far beyond what I had access to.