During our EdCamp class, I chose to be in the classroom budget discussion group. It was very interesting to discuss with my peers about how to make your future classroom feel like home without breaking the bank!

Some ideas that we formed as a group were:

  • Thrift
  • Yard Sales
  • Teacher Wish Lists
  • Teacher Shower (like a baby shower but prior to you getting your classroom)
  • Sharing with Peers – if you had a ‘rainbow’ theme one year, switch your materials with your peer who had an ‘animal’ theme the following year

When I left this discussion I was inspired to see what advice there is out there from practicing teachers. So… I took to the internet!

Here is a list of websites that I found insightful!

I then found a few videos. Here is one that offers quite a few ideas on how to transform your classroom to match your style!

Hope this will help provide you a few ideas on how you can create a classroom that makes you feel happy and excited to share with your students…. without going into debt.